(*Corresponding author)
- Shiota, S., Shimizu, M., Mizushima, T., Ito, H., Hatano, T., Yoshida, T., and Tsuchiya, T. (1999) Marked reduction in the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of -lactams in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus produced by epicatechin gallate, an ingredient of green tea (Camellia sinensis), Biol. Pharm. Bull., 22 (12), 1388-1390.
- Jose H. Isaza, M., Ito, H., and Yoshida, T. (1999) Monochaetin, A di-hyperin ester of tetrahydroxy--truxinic acid from Monochaetum multiflorum, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 47 (10), 1510-1511.
- Yoshida, T., Amakura, Y., Yokura, N., Ito, H., Isaza, J.H., Remirez, S., Pelaez, D.P., and Renner, S.S. (1999) Oligomeric hydrolysable tannins from Tibouchina multiflora., Phytochemistry, 52 (8), 1661-1666.
- Hatano, T., Mizuta, S., Ito, H., and Yoshida, T. (1999) C-Glycosidic flavonoids from Cassia occidentalis., Phytochemistry, 52 (7), 1379-1383.
- Hatano, T., Uebayashi, H., Ito, H., Shiota, S., Tsuchiya, T., and Yoshida, T. (1999) Phenolic constituents of cassia seeds and antibacterial effects of some naphthalenes and anthraquinones on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus., Chem. Pharm. Bull., 47 (8), 1121-1127.
- Ito, H., Hatano, T., Namba, O., Shirono, T., Okuda, T., and Yoshida, T. (1999) Constituents of Geranium thunbergii Sieb. et Zucc. XV. Modified dehydroellagitannins, geraniinic acids B and C, and phyllanthusiin F, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 47 (8), 1148-1151.
- Ito, H., Miyake, M., Nishitani, E., Mori, K., Hatano, T., Okuda, T., Konoshima, T., Takasaki, M., Kozuka, M., Mukainaka, T., Tokuda, H., Nishino, H., and Yoshida, T. (1999) Anti-tumor promoting activity of polyphenols from Cowania mexicana and Coleogyne ramosissima, Cancer Letters, 143, 5-13.
- Ito, H., Miki, K., and Yoshida, T. (1999) Elaeagnatins A-G, C-glucosidic ellagitannins from Elaeagnus umbellata., Chem. Pharm. Bull., 47 (4), 536-542.
- Ito, H., Onoue, S., Miyake, Y., and Yoshida, T. (1999) Iridal-type triterpenoids with ichthyotoxic activity from Belamcanda chinensis, J. Nat. Prod., 62 (1), 89-93.
- Amakura, Y., Miyake, M., Ito, H., Murakaku, S., Araki, S., Itoh, Y., Lu, C-F., Yang, L-L., Yen, K-Y., Okuda, T., and Yoshida, T. (1999) Acalyphidins M1, M2, and D1, ellagitannins from Acalypha hispida, Phytochemistry, 50 (4), 667-675.
- 吉田隆志,波多野力,伊東秀之,半田山および周辺に生育する薬用植物のポリフェノール成分の研究 —ビワ葉のポリフェノールおよびそれらの抗腫瘍効果—,都市近郊林(半田山)の自然特性およびその環境保全機能に関する研究(XIV),平成11年度岡山大学教育研究学内特別経費研究成果報告書.
(*Corresponding author)
- Yoshida, T., Hatano T., Ito, H., and Okuda, T. (1999) Highly oxidized ellagitannins and their biological activity, In: Gross, G.G., Hemingway, R.W., Yoshida, T. (Eds.), Plant Polyphenol 2. Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacology and Ecology, Kluwer Academic/Pleum Publishers, New York, 127-144.
- Yoshida, T., Hatano, T., and Ito, H. (1998) Geraniin-related ellagitannins of the Euphorbiaceae., In: Ageta, H., Aimi, N., Ebizuka, Y., Fujita, T and Honda, G. (Eds.), Towards Natural Medicine Research in the 21st Century (Elsevier Science B. V.), 549-560.
- 『抗菌作用の増強方法』
発明者:清水 正登,塩田 澄子,安田 慶子,上林 裕始,波多野 力,伊東 秀之,土屋 友房,吉田 隆志
特許出願人:株式会社林原生物化学研究所 - 『抗発癌プロモーター剤』
発明者:吉田 隆志,波多野 力,伊東 秀之,久保 直樹,杉田 大悟,志村 進,伊東 禧男
特許出願人:株式会社ロッテ - 『皮膚外用剤として有用なベンゾ[B]ピラン誘導体』
発明者:服部 孝雄,片桐 崇行,北田 好男,吉田 隆志,伊東 秀之